Arctic Snow Dream Kennel is run by me Antoine Sant, my wife Miraldine, my parents Peter and Marita and my younger brother Daniel. Our kennel is located in the beautiful Island of Malta. I am 30 years old and I always had a dream to own a Show Quality Siberian Husky, since I was young. This breed always interested me ,and about six years ago when i finished my Diploma in Nursing course at university, i had some more time to research about the breed and also some money availlabe (Since i earned my first salary as how you would imagine, to buy a good quality dog it is quite expensive),I started making contacts to find a Good Quality Show Siberian Husky.
In October 2005 I was contacted by Mr. Darren Zahra owner of Urquhart Kennels. Mr. Zahra informed us that finally after a long time waiting he was going to have a litter. We chose the pick of the litter. It was a beautiful male sired by Italian Bloodlines. After months of waiting Keaton finally arrived.
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