As mentioned on the home page, we are a small family run, non-profit rescue kennel for Siberian huskies in central Florida (Haines City, FL). We have worked as dog rescuers for over 20 years on our own with no funds. In addition, we participate in numerous advocacy campaigns for dogs and many other animals.
We are in this for the Siberian husky, and every penny we get goes directly to the dogs. They need new homes, blankets, food bowls, of course food, etc. Due to our love for the Siberian husky, we have decided to breed once or twice per year to help families who for legit reasons cannot take a rescued Sibe. They are bred for temperament, quality and their unique beauty, and very careful planning goes into each litter. We will follow the goals stated on our home page and maintain a very small breeding program primarily to enhance the breed. However, the proceeds will go 100% towards more rescued Sibes, and we mean it. We also follow the guidelines mandated by the AKC as our breeding Sibes are all AKC registered. We stand by our 3-year health replacement guarantee as detailed in our questionnaire/contract covering hip dysplasia, eyes for blindness, and any other life-threatening genetic defect.
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