Welcome to the website of the Siberian Husky kennel “INDIGO MOONLIGHT” ( FCI )!
On our website, you can learn about the wonderful and very human-oriented Siberian Husky dog breed, breed standards and the basics of puppy care.
Our acquaintance with the Husky breed took place in 2006, in a sled dog breeding club in the Polish city of Bydgoszcz. Even then, being fascinated by the character, grace and endurance of these dogs, we decided to definitely get such a pet. Two of our dogs were born in Georgia, later three more were imported from Europe – Latvia and Poland. Our huskies carry the blood of the most famous kennels in the world, such as Nanook, Karnovanda, Kristari’s, De Ciukci, Hydrargium, Stephenwolf and some others.
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