We are Nardine and Richard Theodore and we are a small kennel situated in rural Woodville, New Zealand.
We have 3 children who know no other life than that with a Siberian. Our dogs are pets and family members first and foremost followed by sled and show dogs.
We have been involved with Siberians since 1999 when we brought home our first Siberian puppy “Kuvinaad Zara”. Our thanks go to Kiana’s breeder Joanne Oswald from Kuvinaad Kennels for giving us the opportunity to have Kiana who taught us the good, the bad and the antics of the Siberian.
In 2000 we took on a rescue Siberian named Zharn and she was a breath of fresh air compared to Kiana. Zharn quickly became the pack leader and remained so until her passing on June 6th 2008. She trained Kiana very well and in turn Kiana has passed these teachings down the ranks to the rest of the pack.
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